75th Annual Muscatine USBC, Inc Open Championship

2013 - City Tournament

Team, Div 1 926 Avg & Above, Handicapped
Team, Div 2 925 Avg & Below, Handicapped
Doubles, Div 1 371 Avg & Above, Handicapped
Doubles, Div 2 370 Avg & Below, Handicapped
Singles, Div 1 186  Avg & Above, Handicapped
Singles, Div 2 185 Avg & Below, Handicapped
All Events, Div 1 Handicapped
All Events, Div 2 Handicapped
Bowler of the Year Qualifiers, Div 1
Bowler of the Year Qualifiers, Div 2
Bowler of the Year Qualifiers, Senior Division
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